My first job following graduate school was with the International
Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) just north of Mexico City.
Within 2 years I was moved to Guatemala City also working with CIMMYT as a
regional agronomist. The 6
years I spent working in Mexico and Central America prior to arriving at
OSU cemented the need for delivering applied tools in the classroom that
students can use. It is not
enough to just deliver sound agricultural principals and applications.
We have to give them experiences.
The most affordable way to do this is via pictures.
Pictures from all over the world that can be blended into our
teaching fabric. Images and
figures are easily grasped by good students and also by those who
struggle. Images of all kinds
just are not quickly forgotten, and their continual use has clearly
afforded me added abilities to communicate.
We cannot duplicate smells and odors of all kinds, but we can take them
places in the world that have lasting impacts especially when our stories
and experiences are intertwined with the picture.
National Geographic has set this example for many years.

This corn
farmer in El Salvador is planting chlordane treated seed on a hillside
that is clearly non sustainable. Erosion losses will get worse every year
until the landscape is completely denuded. It is important to note that
we have an ongoing project at OSU that will soon result in a hand-held
planting stick that isolates the chemically treated seed thus preventing
skin-seed contact, allows for seed singulation (current approach is to
throw 2-3 seeds per hill which is highly inefficient), and that
simultaneously serves as a fertilizer applicator.

Witnessing this little girl pushing a small cart filled with firewood back
to her house for cooking near La Esperanza was replicated in all 9
countries I serviced as a regional agronomist.
What this girl knows about hard work is worth
talking about, considering what has been required of her at such an early
age. This girl will never talk about how hard she had to work as a child,
the picture tells the story.
Accomplishments in teaching: The
most important product that has been realized has been 95 thesis-required-graduate-degrees awarded
while serving as major advisor. Eighteen former students now serve as
faculty members or the faculty equivalent in public and private sectors
around the world. This includes Ph.D. graduates now working in
developmental agriculture in Kenya, Uganda, El Salvador, Mexico, and
Indonesia. Monsanto, Co., and DuPont Pioneer have hired 10 of our recent
graduates. Their awareness has arisen from a keen interest in OSU s
GreenSeeker technology that was developed in the 1990 s, and the training
our students have received in precision sensing technologies that have
clearly taken off in the world. My bias would argue that all students
have excelled and are giving back to our society.
The most distinguished student we have had at OSU is
Dr. Kyle Freeman (all 3 degrees from OSU) who is the Vice President
of The Mosaic Company, presently the largest retailer of phosphorus
fertilizer in the world. Dr. Robert Mullen (MS and PhD from OSU) has been
equally successful and presently serves as the Director of Agronomy for
the Potash Corp (largest fertilizer retailer for potassium).
In the end, our students must be cognizant of the hunger/famine that
exists in our world and must take with them a commitment to improving
these conditions.
Today, I
am a 10-year brain cancer and spinal cancer survivor.
This experience that included resectioning and
months of radiation was a gift.
It gave me new meaning and renewed my
commitment to deliver quality instruction in the classroom that also
embodies the desperate need for increased giving in our world.
Teaching is by far the most exhausting thing I
do, but it is also the most important.