Statistical Applications | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
data one; input rep trt x y; cards; proc nlin data = one best = 3; parms b0=200 to 400 by 20 b1=-12 to -5 by 1 njoint=5 to 30 by 2; if x<njoint then do; model y = b0 + b1*x; der.b0=1; der.b1=x; der.njoint=0; end; else do; model y=b0+b1*njoint; der.b0=1; der.b1=njoint; der.njoint=b1; end; file print; if _obs_ =1 and _model_ =0 then do; plateau = b0 + b1*njoint; put plateau=; end; plateau=b0+b1*njoint; id plateau; output out = new p = pry parms=b0 b1 njoint sse=sse; run; proc plot; plot y*x='+' pry*x='*'/overlay; run; proc means noprint; var y sse b0 b1 njoint plateau; output out = new2 n = tdf mean = y sse b0 b1 njoint plateau css=csst; data new3; set new2; intercpt=b0; slope=b1; joint=njoint; rsq=(csst-sse)/csst; edf=tdf-3; ssr=csst-sse; msr=ssr/2; mse=sse/edf; f=msr/mse; probf=1-(probf(f,2,edf)); keep intercpt slope joint plateau rsq f probf; proc print; run;
data one; input rep trt x y; cards; proc nlin data = one best = 2; parms b0=50 to 100 by 10 b1=-0.5 to -0.1 by 0.01 joint=10 to 50 by 10 b2 = -.5 to .1 by 0.05; if x<joint then do; model y = b0 + b1*x; der.b0=1; der.b1=x; der.joint=0; der.b2=0; end; else do; model y=b0+(b1-b2)*joint+b2*x; der.b0=1; der.b1=joint; der.joint=b1-b2; der.b2=x-joint; end; file print; if _obs_ =1 and _model_ =0 then do; joinlev = b0 + b1*joint; put joinlev=; end; joinlev=b0+b1*joint; id joinlev; output out = new p = pry parms=b0 b1 joint b2 sse=sse; run; proc plot; plot y*x='+' pry*x='*'/overlay; run; proc means noprint; var y sse b0 b1 joint b2 joinlev; output out = new2 n = tdf mean = y sse b0 b1 joint b2 joinlev css=csst; data new3; set new2; intercpt=b0; slope=b1; joint=joint; slope2=b2; jresp=joinlev; rsq=(csst-sse)/csst; edf=tdf-4; ssr=csst-sse; msrg=ssr/3; mse=sse/edf; f=msrg/mse; probf=1-(probf(f,2,edf)); keep intercpt slope joint slope2 joinlev rsq msrg mse edf f probf; proc print; run; |
linear and quadratic relationships of x and y with z and a linear interaction term. Z = x x2 y y2 xy libname lib2 'c:\temp'; data one; input x y z; filename grafout 'c:\temp\surf.gsf'; goptions nodisplay gsfmode=replace device=hpljs2 GSFNAME=GRAFOUT gwait=15 fby=xswiss hby = 1.75 gouttype=dependent; title f=xswiss 'Surface Model'; proc rsreg data = one out = two; model z = x y /predict; proc g3grid data = two out = three; grid x*y=z/spline; proc g3d data = three gout=new; plot x*y=z; run;
Procedure for Determining Differences in Population Means data one; input sample time $ ph P oc k; cards; 1 A 6.17 21.47 0.924 150 2 A 6.27 18.69 0.939 139 3 B 6.16 21.20 1.042 142 4 B 5.65 41.74 1.054 144 proc ttest; classes time; var ph p k oc; run;
Randomized Complete Block Randomization Title ' RCBD 3 reps, 13 treatments'; proc plan seed = 37275; factors blocks = 3 ordered trts = 13; run;
Program to output Transposed Data data one; Input yr trt yield; Cards; 88 1 1000 88 2 2000 88 3 2400 89 1 4000 89 2 3200 89 3 3500 data two; set one; proc sort; by trt yr; proc transpose data = two out = three prefix = y ; id yr; var yield; by trt; proc print; run;
Contrast Program for Unequal Spacing proc iml; dens={0 100 600 1200}; ** p=orpol(dens); t=nrow(p); do i=1 to t; pr=abs(p[,i]); pr[rank(abs(p[,i]))]=abs(p[,i]); do j=t to 1 by -1; if pr[j] > 1.e-10 then scale=pr[j]; if abs(p[j,i]) < 1.e-10 then p[j,i]=0; end; p[,i]=p[,i]/scale; end; print p; run; The only thing that needs to be changed is the trt values. Output
Test of Differences in Slope and Intercept Components from Two Independent Regressions data one; input exp x y; if exp = 1 then intc_dif = 0; if exp = 2 then intc_dif = 1; slop_dif = intc_dif*x; cards; 1 3.31878 45.8971 1 3.31716 45.24701 1 3.31162 42.59693 2 3.26607 54.4 2 3.32216 40.7 2 3.31122 55.7 data two; set one; proc sort; by exp; proc reg; model y = x intc_dif slop_dif; run; proc reg; by rep; model y = x; run;
Experiment: Influence of Nitrogen Rate and Mowing Height on Sensor Based Detection of Nutrient Stress Treatment N rate Mowing Height, in lb N/1000 ft2/month __________________________________________ 1 0 0.5 2 0.5 0.5 3 1.0 0.5 4 1.5 0.5 5 0 1.5 6 0.5 1.5 7 1.0 1.5 8 1.5 1.5 __________________________________________
proc glm; classes height nrate; model yield = nrate height nrate*height; contrast 'Nrate_lin' nrate -3 -1 1 3; contrast 'Nrate_quad' nrate 1 -1 -1 1; contrast 'Nrate_cub' nrate -1 3 -3 1; contrast 'height*nrate_lin' height*nrate -3 -1 1 3 3 1 -1 -3; contrast 'height*nrate_quad' height*nrate 1 -1 -1 1 -1 1 1 -1; means nrate height nrate*height; run;