Nutrient Cycle POINTERS      
Michael Blazier, John Karl Fuhrman  

1. Prior to starting the cycle, I added custom icons for creating
subscripts and superscripts to the Power Point toolbar so I can add them
to the cycle more quickly (subscripts/superscripts can be created with a
mouse click rather than going through Format, Font, etc.).
2. Text can be placed flush with arrows, regardless of their angle, by
highlighting the text box, right clicking the mouse, then going to
"Format Text Box", then to the "Size" window.  At this point, you can
adjust the rotation angle of the text until it matches the angle of the
arrow to which you're trying to fit the text.
3. Extra Clip Art can be obtained by placing a CD of Microsoft Office
in the drive when inserting Clip Art into the cycle.
4. Hyperlinks to web sites can be added to the cycle by first
highlighting the text you desire, then going to Insert, Hyperlink, then
writing out the web address in the "Link to file or URL" window.